Earth Day ๐ŸŒ

At Team Mills Foundation we are passionate about sharing Indigenous knowledge and practices to enhance the health of land and sea.

We strive to support cultural learning programs and pathways that enable Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in all communities to work together in caring for, and loving our earth.

After all, there is no community without unity.

Team Mills Foundation believes in the circle of life. Weโ€™re mindful in every decision we make so that future generations can enjoy our world as we have. Not only the earth as it is today, but also the cultures & traditions of the land that have come before (wherever in the world that may be). This way, both past & present live on.

Learning from Indigenous land management expert Victor Steffensen and The Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation, we aim to share the knowledge of cultural burning practices, and improved โ€˜readingโ€™ of country, to help restore land. If we can continue to educate by spreading awareness of these practices, there is much evidence that, if adopted, could greatly benefit not only Australians, but all people worldwide. Read more below on Firesticks Alliance below.

Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation is an Indigenous led network and aims to re-invigorate the use of cultural burning by facilitating cultural learning pathways to fire and land management. It is an initiative for Indigenous and non- Indigenous people to look after Country, share their experiences and collectively explore ways to achieve their goals.

Firesticks is an opportunity for people to build on the knowledge they already have on Country and look for ways to make use of new technologies and understandings as a way to support cultural identity and practice. Firesticks is building a community of practice, sharing fire stories and communicating positively about the work that is undertaken and its value to people and place. Mentoring and networking through Firesticks strengthens community and Country. Implementing fire to enhance ecosystem health within culturally connected landscapes improves habitat condition and connectivity. Firesticks ultimately strives to empower Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities to work together towards healthy, functional and resilient landscapes.

Firesticks is facilitating training, implementing on-ground works and conducting scientific monitoring to establish a greater understanding of the ecological impact of cultural burning practices. The program aims to work with fire to enhance ecosystem health by improving habitat condition and connectivity within culturally connected landscapes. The ultimate goal of Firesticks is to support cultural learning pathways that enable and empower Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities to work collectively towards resilient landscapes.


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